
沛春九州 2024-07-31 16:16:53




Main body introduction


A G-class network TV station, approved by the domain name Registration Management Center of government affairs and public welfare organizations organized by China y, has obtained the "Telecom and Information Service Business License" of the Ministry of Industry and X, and the "Radio and Television Program Production Business License" of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and now covers 46 countries and regions around the world, and has obvious advantages in the fields of cultural communication and art media.



The network TV station, with the world's leading level of scientific and technological development, based on high-quality development, to achieve the media industry for the traditional industry, social industry to empower the common development, is committed to creating a meta-cosmic level media platform for many years, and hand in hand with governments at all levels and relevant enterprises and institutions, the exclusive launch of the global "Chinese culture" Spring Festival cultural brand series activities. It has attracted hundreds of millions of visitors and received continuous attention and wide praise from overseas Chinese and all walks of life.



Covering countries and regions





亚洲(13): 日本台/韩国台/新加坡台/印度台/阿联酋台/马来西亚台/菲律宾台/泰国台/印度尼西亚台/文莱台/缅甸台/越南台/柬埔寨台

欧洲(13): 英国台/俄罗斯台/德国台/法国台/爱尔兰台/奥地利台/比利时台/荷兰台/葡萄牙台/瑞士台/西班牙台/匈牙利台/意大利台

美洲(4) 美国台、加拿大台、巴西台、秘鲁台

大西洋(2): 澳大利亚台/新西兰台

非洲(3) : 南非台/津巴布韦台/尼日利亚台

Slogan: Messenger of Chinese culture covering 46 countries and regions

Which 46 countries and regions?

Tianjin Culture Channel/Guizhou Culture Channel/Gongzhuling Culture Channel/Wenchuan Culture Channel/Fengtai Culture Channel/Beijing Channel/Hainan Channel

Asia (13) : Japan/South Korea/Singapore/India/UAE/Malaysia/Philippines/Thailand/Indonesia/Brunei/Myanmar/Vietnam/Cambodia

Europe (13) : UK/Russia/Germany/France/Ireland/Austria/Belgium/Netherlands/Portugal/Switzerland/Spain/Hungary/Italy

Americas (4) United States, Canada, Brazil, Peru

Atlantic (2) : Australia Radio/New Zealand Radio

Africa (3) : South Africa/Zimbabwe/Nigeria



Existing channel

文化头条|| 国内资讯/国际焦点/县市动态/ 政策解读/产业动态

专题频道|| “红旗杯”主播大赛/五月鲜花青年悦读/华韵之声/河清海晏/中国文化拜年/中裔雅集/小小朗读者

时代人物|| 年度对话/名家访谈/金牌会客厅/宝玉大观园/全球女性

多彩中华|| 国家通用语言微课堂/多彩中华行/民族一家亲/民族院线/武林百家/魔术

在线展览|| 年度贡献人物榜/书画百杰/中国名家书画展/百城风光摄影展/与共和国在一起雕塑十人在线展

在线旅游|| 自驾随手拍/手机播客/风光在线/山野民宿/美食地图/景区推荐

国学讲堂|| 百家讲堂/中医学堂/煮酒论道/禅茶一味

纪录中国|| 一分钟看中国/视觉中国/故乡纪录/百城风光摄影展

文商论道|| 中国风尚/企业论语/华夏之子/品牌故事

艺术世界|| 曲艺百花苑/文艺品读/中国舞蹈家/明星推介会/书画大课堂/田园牧歌会

生态中国|| 领军人物/生态头条/环球视野/政策法规/产业聚焦/城市印象


Cultural headlines || Domestic news/International focus/county/city dynamics/Policy interpretation/industry dynamics

Special channel || "Red Flag Cup" anchor contest/May Flowers Youth Yue Read/Hua Yun voice/He Qinghaiyan/Chinese Culture New Year greetings/Chinese elegant collection/Little reader

Times People || Annual Conversation/Celebrity interview/Gold Medal Meeting Room/Baoyu Grand View Garden/Global women

Colorful China || National common language microroom/Colorful China Line/Ethnic family/Ethnic theater/Wulin hundred hundred/Magic

Online exhibition || Annual Contribution Figure List/Calligraphy and Painting Hundred Jie/Chinese Famous Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition / 100 City Scenery Photography Exhibition/Sculpture with the Republic of ten online exhibition

Online travel || self-driving photo/mobile podcast/Scenery online/mountain homestay/food map/scenic spot recommendation

Sinology Lecture Hall || Lecture Hall/School of Traditional Chinese Medicine/Cooking wine and Daoism/Zen tea blindly

Record China || See China in one minute/Visual China/Hometown Records / 100 City Scenery Photography Exhibition

Wen Shang Talk || Chinese fashion/Enterprise Analects/Son of China/Brand story

Art world || Quyi Hundred Flowers Garden/Literary readings/Chinese dancers/Star Promotion Meeting/Painting and Calligraphy/Pastoral Song Meeting

Ecological China || Leading figures/ecological headlines/Global vision/Policies and regulations/Industry focus/City impression

Small program || code on direct, yuan potential field, college aesthetic education master



Scope of cooperation





Expand the regional resources of the network station at home and abroad, gather more people with insight, and join the cultural emissaries who spread Chinese culture to the world, tell Chinese stories well, and convey the voice of China. The existing national stations and channels on five continents also welcome local landing resources to cooperate and win!

You have local resources, I have an international platform, money and money to make a strong contribution, the heart to a place to think, to make a place to put aside all restrictions, everything can be talked about!

Build the Chinese dream, deliver the Chinese voice!

Welcome to join us!

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