
听雨量化商业说 2024-08-16 20:40:49



看跌期权, 当前价格5700, 执行价格5650, 到期日t 40交易日 波动率 0.0063, 权利金50


期望利润: 15.662175 方差: 110.78011080184643 夏普比: 0.3548628627350025

# 蒙特卡洛算法计算期权def SimulatePrice(P0, std, steps, step_price=1, N=10000): """ :param P0: 初始价格 :param std: 序列标准差 :param steps: 序列步数 :return: """ sim_norm_ret = np.random.normal(0, std, (steps, N)) sim_price = np.exp(sim_norm_ret.cumsum(0)) # # 初始价格1000 sim_price = P0 * sim_price sim_price = (sim_price / step_price).round(0) * step_price # 第一行添加初始价格 sim_price = np.vstack([P0 * np.ones(N), sim_price]) return sim_price s = 0.0063 P0 = 5700 strike_price = 5650 profit = 50 t = 40 N = 40000 # 采用蒙特卡洛方式定价 sim_price = SimulatePrice(P0, s, 40, N=N) last_sim_price = sim_price[-1,:] last_sim_profit = np.maximum(0, strike_price-last_sim_price) - profit print("期望利润:", last_sim_profit.mean(), "方差:", last_sim_profit.std(), "夏普比:", last_sim_profit.mean()/last_sim_profit.std() * np.sqrt(252/t))>期望利润: 15.662175 方差: 110.78011080184643 夏普比: 0.3548628627350025场内期权对冲


为了转移风险,我们可以在场内卖出一个看跌期权与我们的头寸进行对冲。 但是场内期权与我们头寸 到期日不同,执行价不同,所以我们需要构建一个头寸组合来实现我们的对冲策略。

from scipy.stats import norm import matplotlib.pyplot as pltdef CND(X): return norm.cdf(X) # 当前期权理论价格 def PutOptionPriceBSAarry(S, K, std, t, r=0.0): d1 = (np.log(np.divide(S , K)) + (r + (std ** 2) / 2) * t) / (std * np.sqrt(t)) d2 = d1 - std * np.sqrt(t) return K * np.exp(-r * t) * CND(-d2) - S * CND(-d1)index = 1 hold_position = 1 position_profit = (put_option_theory_price[index] - put_option_theory_date_price[:,index]) last_sim_price = sim_price[-1,:] last_sim_price.resize((N,1)) put_option_theory_date_price = PutOptionPriceBSAarry(last_sim_price, strike_price_array, s, all_t-t) p = last_sim_profit +position_profit * hold_position plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) _ = plt.hist(last_sim_profit) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) _ = plt.hist(position_profit) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) _ = plt.hist(p) print("期望利润:", p.mean(), "方差:", p.std(), "夏普比:", p.mean()/p.std() * np.sqrt(252/t))



当前白糖2501,执行价在5000-7000之间。所以我们有20个目标期权合约,每一个期权我们都可以做多做空10手,所以我们需要构建一个投资组合。这个组合的空间是 20^20 次方,这是一个天文数字,显然遍历算法在这种复杂度面前显得力不从心。因此,我们需要一种更为高效的搜索算法来优化我们的对冲策略。这时,遗传算法便显示出它的优势。




invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not ind.fitness.valid] fitnesses = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind) for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): ind.fitness.values = fit hof = tools.HallOfFame(10, similar=np.array_equal) record = stats.compile(population) if stats else {} logbook.record(gen=0, nevals=len(invalid_ind), **record) print(logbook.stream) ngen = 4000 cxpb = 0.5 mutpb = 0.4 # Begin the generational process for gen in range(1, ngen + 1): # Select the next generation individuals offspring = toolbox.select(population, len(population)) # Vary the pool of individuals offspring = varAnd(offspring, toolbox, cxpb, mutpb) # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid] fitnesses = toolbox.map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind) for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): ind.fitness.values = fit # Update the hall of fame with the generated individuals hof.update(offspring) # Replace the current population by the offspring population[:] = offspring population.extend(hof[:]) # Append the current generation statistics to the logbook if gen % 10 == 0: record = stats.compile(population) if stats else {} logbook.record(gen=gen, nevals=len(invalid_ind), **record) print(logbook.stream)


gen nevals avg std min max 0 300 0.0158112 0.0411533 -0.0391251 0.16631910 236 0.0225989 0.0486477 -0.0387088 0.22841220 274 0.0281336 0.0559149 -0.0384535 0.26762330 317 0.030553 0.0709356 -0.0378094 0.52236940 360 0.0385255 0.0961397 -0.0372828 0.89442150 367 0.0420082 0.0887721 -0.0369026 0.89442160 426 0.0461076 0.0955755 -0.0365466 0.923084结果展示param = hof[0] option_profit_array = np.dot((put_option_theory_price-put_option_theory_date_price) ,param) profit = last_sim_profit + option_profit_array _ = plt.hist(profit) print("期望利润:", profit.mean(), "方差:", profit.std(), "夏普比:", profit.mean()/profit.std() * np.sqrt(252/t))> 期望利润: 17.317512936314248 方差: 19.143960222674735 夏普比: 2.2705131014072704







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