
英语一点 2024-09-14 19:08:47


当我们表示“忙于;埋头于;深陷于”时,可以用be up to one’s eyes in sth表达。比如:We're up to our eyes in work.我们工作忙得不可开交。

如果表达某人“对……有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力)可以用have an eye for sth。比如:

I've never had much of an eye for fashion.我对时装从来没多少鉴赏力。You have an eye for beauty.你很有审美眼光。She has an eye for a bargain.她善识便宜货。

我们表示“失败;挫折;失望”时用one in the eye (for sb/sth)。比如:The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination.任命女性担任这个职位是对男权统治的严重打击。

短语only have eyes for/have eyes only for sb指“只钟情于某人;只爱某人”。而表示“向某人送秋波;向某人抛媚眼”则用make eyes at sb /give sb the eye。比如:He's only ever had eyes for his wife.他始终只爱自己的妻子。He's definitely giving you the eye!他肯定是在向你眉目传情!

短语with an eye to sth/to doing sth指的是“目的在于;试图”。比如:He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel.他买这个仓库是为了将它改成一个旅馆。

如果想表达“明知后果如何;明知有问题;心中有数”,可以用介词短语 with one’s eyes open表示。比如:I went into this with my eyes open so I guess I only have myself to blame.我是明明知道做这事的后果的,所以我想只能责怪我自己。

习语with one’s eyes shut/closed不单是“闭上眼”的意思,还有“轻车熟路;毫不费力”之意。比如:I've made this trip so often, I could do it with my eyes shut. 我经常走这条路,闭着眼睛都能找到。

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