
国礼文化时代典藏 2024-06-18 17:53:02

陆昱亮 教授  中国美术家协会会员中国书法家协会会员北京艺术之友研究会会长清美艺术创作研究会副秘书长油画作品《中国民族芭蕾》在巴黎参展获联合国教科文组织和法中友协艺术大奖《最佳作品卓越奖》。积极参加抗疫斗争多年从事艺术之友艺术教育和纲络教学在国际艺术权威组织评选中获得毕加索国际绘画大赛总决赛的特邀导师称号,并被授予金杯和证书。退休后任中央美院等客座教授。研究生导师。陆昱亮获得毕加索国际绘画大赛总决赛的特邀导师称号,并被授予金杯和证书。Lu Yuliang, professor, China Artists Association member, Chinese Calligrphers Association member, President of the Beijing Friends of Art Research Association, deputy secretary-general of the Qing Mei Art Creation Association, the oil painting “Chinese National Ballet” won the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the French-chinese Friendship Association Art Award for Best Work of Excellence at the Paris Exhibition. Friends of the Arts in art education and network teaching in the international art authority organizations in the final of the Picasso International Painting Competition invited Tutor title, and was awarded the Gold Cup and certificate. After his retirement, he was a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Graduate Supervisor. Lu was awarded a Gold Cup and a certificate in the final of the Picasso International Painting Competition.

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