
外贸寇姐 2024-03-31 01:17:01
外贸小伙伴们,做外贸一定要学会撩人,到哪都吃香!😂 . 🐦外贸菜鸟:That's a lowball offer. 🏆外贸老鸟:May I ask if price is your only consideration? Is your decision based solely on price? . 🐦外贸菜鸟:You can go and compare 🏆外贸老鸟:I am very confident in our product and you will find it worthwhile. . 🐦外贸菜鸟:Others are cheaper than us because we have better quality products. 🏆外贸老鸟:It is true that our price is higher than the market price, but its quality is competitive in the market to the naked eye. . 🐦外贸菜鸟:Very much looking forward to your reply 🏆外贸老鸟:I look forward to learning more about your thoughts! . 🐦外贸菜鸟:Which one do you want to know about? 🏆外贸老鸟:Is it hard to know how to choose? Here's a catalog of our full range of products with more detailed information for you to visualize. . 今天的分享就到这啦~希望这些话术能帮到初入外贸行业的你 外贸知识 外贸经验 外贸人找客户 外贸开发 外贸客户 外贸 外贸分享 外贸日常分享 外贸人找客户 外贸出口 外贸新人 外贸小白 外贸老鸟 外贸菜鸟 外贸销冠 外贸大佬 外贸干货 外贸资料 👇🆓自取

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