2024-06-20 15:52:52
网上展厅:online showrooms
供采对接周:a supply and purchase matchmaking event
长江国家文化公园:national parks with Yangtze River culture as their theme
21世纪海上丝绸之路:the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
中国工会第十八次全国代表大会:18th National Congress of ACFTU
中华全国总工会:All-China Federation of Trade Unions
雅万高铁:Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway
诺贝尔经济学奖:Nobel Prize in Economic Science
阿秒光脉冲:attosecond pulses of light
女性劳动力市场:women’s labour market
烈士纪念日:Martyr’s Day
烈士褒奖:commending martyrs
前沿科技成果:cutting-edge sci-tech achievement
金熊猫国际文化论坛:the Golden Panda International Cultural Forum
全人类共同价值观:common values of humanity
海峡论坛:Strait Forum
海峡两岸青年发展论坛:cross-Strait youth development forum
税收减免政策:tax-relief policy
个人所得税:personal income tax
国家植物园:National Botanical Garden
华南国家植物园:South China Botanical Garden
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