
小琪说健身 2024-07-04 22:36:45
Most people would assume full range of motion is better than half range of motion. Which is true if your half rom start at middle position, go towards shorten position. It give you more soreness feeling than muscle growth. So doing full range of motion is better than that. Not because the distance travel is longer or time under tension is longer. But because we started at the lengthen position. The newest research have found that. When we start the movement at stretched position, even if we only go to middle position, which is long half range of motion i just called it lhrom. It also give us same or more growth than full range of motion. After trying it, i think it is harder than full range of motion! Becauseyou are constantlyunder tension and have to pause in the middle, which is against gravity or whatever force you are using. I use less weight, feel more sore,but less tired after the exercise, after training for one month I experienced more strength and muscle growth! hahahaha1279

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