
小琪说健身 2024-07-21 12:22:52
hahahaha1279 What happens after you do hard Sets? the thing that matter the most for muscle growth is to create stimulus. new stimulus, new challenge and then once the brain pick up the signal, the muscle will grow very effectively. if you don’t get to hard set or effective sets, the brain wouldn’t send a signal to the muscle for it to grow and you are only creating minor muscle damage or consuming energy. You will have a short term pump and some muscle tear and repair but you wouldn’t grow new muscle fibres. you may notice short term fat loss because of the additional energy you consume. But with more muscle fibre grow, you will consume more energy from base metabolism after your training and on every day activity and when you’re resting. that will consume more fat on a daily basis。 When you get to hard set, your body will consume a lot of energy. Even if you do nothing new for your diet, you will still noticed a change in your posture body fat, lean muscle mass and posture.

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