The core idea for fat loss through training is to increase daily energy expenditure. So we must first know where did all our energy goes on a daily basis.
70% of the total energy expenditure goes to maintain bodily function such as breathing, metabolism, cell renewal, organ function and so on. Basically keeping us alive, or the energy we are consuming while we are sleeping. And the fuel for this type of energy consumption is fat. The other 30% goes to talking, digesting moving and exercising. But exercise itself only account for less than 10% of our daily energy expenditure. Exercise meaning sports training and so on. Cardio that last long enough will be count as neat, which take up around 15% of our daily energy expenditure. It included any movement that’s not exercising.
Also most of us should know exercise mainly use carbohydrates, neat use some fat and some carbs. weight training use carb during exercise but burn fat afterwards.
when you are not moving you use fat
燃脂秘诀get√!70%能量日常消耗,训练提升代谢,减脂so easy!