
外贸的料哥 2024-08-03 23:20:53
外贸的本质就是销售嘛,万变不离其宗的,还不理解这个方法的小伙伴一定要尽快掌握! 今天再跟大家说几个tips: - 1⃣️尝试共情客户,把握好“利他思维” 📣示例: ✅Trust me, I will do everything I can to help you save money. But first and foremost, I must ensure quality.相信我会尽我所能帮你省钱,但我需要先确保质量。 - 2⃣️尽量了解客户的心理账单 📣示例: ✅Could you please advise your budget? So we can see if there is any other solution for you.能否告知您的预算?我们为您寻找其他方案。 ✅I definitely hear what you're saying, but let's take the price out of this for a moment. Besides price, what other reasons do you have for not moving forward with this currently?我完全了解您的意思,但除了价格以外还有其他影响到订单进展的因素吗? - 3⃣️多去赋予产品本身以外的价值 📣示例: ✅Value-for-money means considering service, details, expertise, results, and after-sales support, rather than simply saying "the price is low."物有所值,是从服务、细节、专业、结果、售后支持等方面考虑,而不是简单的说“价格低” - 4⃣️“人情味”:会安抚客户也能适当打感情牌 📣示例: ✅I very much understand your concern, so let's see how we can resolve the problem…我非常理解您的担忧,所以让我们看看如何处理这个问题 ✅Trust is precious, and if you choose to rely on me, I won't let you down.信任是宝贵的,如果你选择依靠我,我不会让你失望的。

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