
外企人的英语 2024-08-28 13:07:20
📍会议时间推迟 ⏳ We need to postpone the meeting to the first Tuesday of next month. 我们需要将会议推迟到下个月的第一个星期二。 ⏳ The start time of the meeting will be delayed by half an hour; it is now set for 10:30 AM. 会议的开始时间将推迟半小时,现在定于早上十点半开始。 ⏳ The meeting originally scheduled for today has been deferred until next week. 原定于今天举行的会议已推迟到下周。 ⏳ The meeting has been put off until further notice. 会议已经延期,具体时间待定。 📍会议时间提前 ⏳The meeting has been moved up to 3 PM today; please adjust your schedules accordingly. 会议将提前至今日下午三点开始,请各位尽快调整日程。 ⏳The meeting time has been brought forward to tomorrow at 8 AM. 会议时间需要提前,现在定于明天早上八点。 ⏳ We decided to advance the conference date to ensure all participants can attend. 我们决定将会议日期提前,以确保所有参与者都能出席。 【完整版请查看图片🩵🩵】 ✨✨外企人除班味Plog ① 麦门穷鬼套餐新成员:奶奶奶心三角派。看着可爱买的,但是奶油味略重了些 ② 周末去愚园路闲逛,偶遇马路生活节。超多人,的活动策划做的是真好 ③ 很喜欢泰国力大狮的豆奶,浓的不行 ,逛超市看到就买,下次试试绿茶味 ④ 失眠就听听英语播客催眠,比任何睡眠喷雾都好用

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