
外企人的英语 2024-08-30 19:19:23
经常一个不小心,激情点击发送后才会发现自己忘记带上附件了。这种情况很常见,补发邮件给对方的时候,你可以这么表达👇🏻 🎯熟悉的同事,可以轻松一点说: ■ Oops, looks like I missed sending the attachment earlier. It's attached to this email. Thanks! (哎呀,看起来我之前遗漏发送附件了。现在已附在本邮件中。谢谢!) ■ My bad, I missed adding the attachment to my last email. It's all good now, I've attached it below. (我的错,我遗漏了在上封邮件中添加附件。现在都好了,我已附在下面。) 🎯普通的商务沟通情况下,你可以毫无感情地说: ■ Forgot to attach something earlier – here's the missing file. (之前忘记附上东西了——这是遗漏的文件。) ■ I failed to attach the file in my previous email. It is now attached for your review.(我遗漏了在上封邮件中附上文件。现在已附上供您审阅。) ■ Just realized I left out the attachment in my last email. Here's the attachment we discussed earlier. (刚刚意识到我遗漏了附件在上封邮件中。这是我们之前聊到的附件。) 🎯如果是给老板的重要邮件写错了,还是需要适当正经表达下歉意的👇🏻 ■ Sorry for the oversight, the attachment was missing from my last email. It's included here now. (对不起,我疏忽了,附件遗漏在上封邮件中。现在已包含在这里。) 【完整版请查看图片🩵🩵🩵】

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