
德逗逗 2024-09-03 12:56:33
In the comment section, someone recommended that I use Alipay. I already checked a bit, and with my credit card, I should be able to open an Alipay account. I also heard that a lot of people use WeChat to pay, but I guess you need Chinese citizenship for that. I’m also thinking about getting some cash in China with my credit card (I don’t really have any fees on my card), but I’m not sure how much cash I’ll need or if cash is generally needed. I would also be interested in hearing from foreigners on the app who have traveled to China before about how they paid there and what they recommend. Generally, I would be glad for any tips I can get. Thank you in advance! 🥰 我在想去中国需要用哪些支付方式。我有一张信用卡,基本上没有什么手续费,但我在考虑作为外国人还有哪些支付方式会比较方便。欢迎大家给我点建议 💖

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