
外企人的英语 2024-09-08 13:59:37
1️⃣ Let it be. - Just let it be; everything will work out. - 就让它去吧;一切都会好起来的。 2️⃣ Go with the flow. - Instead of planning everything, sometimes it's better to just go with the flow. - 有时候,计划赶不上变化,不如顺其自然。 3️⃣ Take it as it comes. - I'm taking each day as it comes and not worrying about the future. - 我顺其自然地过每一天,不担心未来。 4️⃣ Let things take their natural course. - Let's let things take their course and see what happens. - 让事情顺其自然发展,看看会发生什么。 5️⃣ Let nature take its course. - The doctor said to let nature take its course and not to intervene too much. - 医生说顺其自然,不要过多人为干预。 6️⃣ Don't force it. - If it's meant to be, it will happen. Don't force it. - 如果是命中注定的,自然会发生。不要强求。

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