
外企人的英语 2024-09-09 13:02:44
[一R] Scroll through 📱刷,或者,朋友圈,这类「上下滑动」的App,最适合用scroll 这个动词来形容。 ⚫︎ We spend lots of time scrolling through other people’s posts every day. 我们每天花很多时间刷别人的帖子。 ⚫︎ We should stop scrolling through tiktok and enjoy your real life. 我们应该停止刷,多享受真实人生。 [二R] Playing on one’s phone 📱玩手机里的东西,不是玩弄手机本身,所以注意这里要加个介词On才是对的 ⚫︎ Hey! Stop playing on your phone! You have been stuck to it for hours. 嘿!不要再玩手机了!你已经玩好几个小时了。 [三R] Fiddling with one’s phone 📱Fiddle 是摆弄,鼓捣的意思 ⚫︎ You won't just sit there silently, fiddling with your phone. 你不要只是安静坐在那里玩你的手机。 [四R] Check one’s phone 📱时不时点开看,检查新信息 ⚫︎ How many times have you checked your phone in the last 30 minutes? 刚刚的三十分钟里你看了几次手机? [五R] Looking at one’s phone 📱指「一直盯着手机」 ⚫︎ She keeps looking at her phone for fear of missing out on any new messages. 她一直盯着手机,深怕错过任何新讯息。

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