
外企人的英语 2024-09-10 12:39:08
场景[一R] 供你参考,供你审批 - Kindly find attached the event budget for your approval. - Attached for your review is the Q4 roundup document. - I have included the mockup doc for your feedback. 场景[二R] 简单说明附件是什么,无需跟进 - Here is the promotion form I received today. - Attached, please find the signed contract. - See attached for the trip itinerary. - I'm attaching the completed form. - You'll find the attachment below. - Included is the list of attendees for the event. [三R]其他更有新意的表达 - As you will see in the sheet here. - In the files appended to this email, you will see that… - For reference, I am adding a … - I am sharing the documents in a Google Drive link here. - I have linked … here. 【完整版请查看图片🩵🩵】 ✨✨✨外企人除班味Plog ① 最近在家追旅行任意门,吃韩国干馍馍吃的有点上瘾了,热量过高,实在罪过 ② 最近把薄荷外刊里面落下的进度抓紧补上。读外刊我一直觉得是润物细无声的,因为涉及的话题很广,可能给你想都想不到的一些表达,对于职场写作水平的提高是其他方式替代不了的 ③ 格外喜欢各类栗子泥制品,马上久光楼下应该就要开始买林万昌堂了,贵是贵点,但是吃完真的看不上普通栗子了

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