动词answer的搭配 动词answer指“回答,答复”比如:Heanswer

英语一点 2024-09-13 14:15:13

动词answer的搭配 动词answer指“回答,答复”比如:He answered frankly and truthfully all my questions.他坦率而真诚地回答了我的所有问题。但answer常与一些词搭配使用,以及常见的短语是应该牢记的。另外,它们也常出现在考试的完型填空中。 1.answer和phone、door及bell等词连用的构成惯用语,表示“接,应”。比如: She answered her phone on the first ring.她在响第一声铃时就接了电话。I knocked at the front door and there was no answer.我敲了前门,没有应答。 2.answer与letter、examination等连用表示“回(信)”答(卷)。比如: He answered the examination paper quite well.他的卷子答得很好。You must answer his letter.你必须给他回信。 在表达“回信”时,一定不能写成You must return his letter.这是中国式的英语,要用 answer his letter。 3.我们用短语answer for sth 表示“对……负有责任”。比如:The captain has to answer for discipline of his company.上尉必须对连队的纪律负责任。You will have to answer for your behaviour one day.总有一天你要因你的行为承担责任。You should answer for what you said.你应该对你所说的话负责。 4.answer back指“顶嘴,回嘴”,多指以粗鲁的方式回复某人,尤指对某人的指正进行回应。。比如: He wanted to answer back, but he forbore from doing so.他想顶嘴,但是忍住了。When they scolded him, he would answer back.他们说他,他就顶。 The child would answer back to all she said.她说什么这孩子都要还嘴。Do not answer back like that.不许这样顶嘴。Don't answer back to the elders; it's not polite.不要和长辈顶嘴,这是不礼貌的。

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