
战上新资讯酱 2024-09-18 11:57:15

双语简讯:围绕一个卧底特工建立家庭,代价是沉重的。特工们被要求在日益复杂的谎言网络中生活数年,甚至数十年。他们的孩子在一个突然被驱逐的国家中长大,身份和友谊都被摧毁。 (AI翻译) ▶ 英语原文 Building a family around a sleeper agent comes with a heavy price. Officers are asked to live for years, even decades, inside a thickening web of lies. Their kids grow up in nations they're suddenly expelled from, their identity and friendships shattered. ▶ 来源:华尔街日报

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