“碰运气”英文怎么说? tryone'sluck碰运气 take

英语万娘娘万德尔 2024-09-18 16:37:44

“碰运气” 英文怎么说? try one's luck 碰运气 take pot luck 碰运气,撞大运, 举两个例子: Mary decided to take pot luck at Lily's in, case she hadn't gone out yet. 玛丽决定去莉莉家碰碰运气,万一她还没出门呢。 You should try your luck. You can fix it. 你应该碰碰运气,你可以把它修好的。 还有一个常用的表达是:  roll the dice /daɪs/掷色子;碰运气;孤注一掷 This phrase means that someone takes a risk to do something。 这个短语指的是某人冒险去尝试一件事。 She decided to roll the dice this time。 她决定这次碰碰运气。 Sometimes you need to roll the dice to get what you want。 有时候你需要孤注一掷试一下,才能得到你想要的。 #英语#

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