wear和puton   动词wear和puton都是“穿,戴”的意思。但在

英语一点 2024-09-19 14:23:37

wear和put on   动词wear和put on都是“穿,戴”的意思。但在使用时有区别。 1.wear“穿,戴”,强调穿戴的状态,动作意味不太强。比如: She was wearing a new coat.她穿了一件新外衣。Do I have to wear a tie?我得系领带吗?Was she wearing a seat belt?她系着座椅安全带吗? He wore glasses.他戴着眼镜。All delegates must wear a badge.所有代表都要佩戴徽章。She always wears black clothes.她总是穿黑色衣服。 2.put on意思是“穿上,戴上”,着重穿戴时的动作。比如: She put on her coat and went out.她穿上外套,出去了。He turned off the television, put on his coat, and walked out.他关掉电视,穿上外套,走了出去。 Maximo put on a pair of glasses.马克西莫戴上了一副眼镜。It is very cold outside. Put on your coat.外面很冷,穿上外衣吧 。

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