
外企人的英语 2024-09-19 14:30:53
作为职场人,在收到其他人信息的时候,如果不分情况或者对象,盲目就用一个OK来表达“收到”,往往会容易踩雷,显得太过Bossy。 礼貌和情商决定了外企的天花板,多点语言礼数还是有必要的。下面给到一些日常沟通中,比较专业的外国同事的回复习惯,大家可以酌情参考,有更好欢迎评论区留言👇🏻 1️⃣ I’ve taken note. 我记住了。 ■ Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the budget proposal. I have taken note of this. 2️⃣ Your email is appreciated. 谢谢你的邮件。 ■ Thank you for submitting the proposal on time. Your email is appreciated. 3️⃣ I’ve registered that. 我已收悉。 ■ I appreciate your detailed recap of our client meeting. I’ve registered that. 🩵 还有其他一些回复,也很经典👇🏻 ✅已知悉 * Duly Noted * Understood. * Acknowledged. * Received. ✅ 收到并表示感谢 * Noted with thanks. * Grateful for the information. * Got it, thanks. * Thank you for informing me. * Thanks for the heads up. * I appreciate your update. ✅ 我会注意 * I will bear that in mind. * I’m mindful of your input.

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  • 2024-09-19 20:45

    一般职场Senior或者老板直接ok ,职位够不到的,自己掂量一下用什么。花样越复杂,职位越卑微

  • 2024-09-19 21:15

    我基本都是 Well received

  • I 1
    2024-09-19 20:23
