
寻琴谈科技 2024-09-21 11:39:04

🎨 掌握这 5 组咒语!Midjourney 高细节线稿信手拈来


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ca beautiful fairy portrait for coloring book. She has long white blonde curly haie and is surrounded by white flowers and white butterflies black line white background, clean sharp image --ar 3:4

为涂色书创作的美丽仙子肖像。她有着长长的白色金色卷发,周围围绕着白色花朵和白色蝴蝶,黑线白背景,图像清晰锐利 --ar 3:4


Black and white line art, no shading, line art,character design, fairy warrior queen, highly detailed, ink on paper, by Brom, artgerm 8K --ar 3:4

黑白线条艺术,无阴影,线条艺术,人物设计,仙女战士女王,非常详细,纸上墨水,布罗姆,艺术胚芽,8K -ar 3:4


Black and white line art, no shading, line art,Intricate line art of a beautiful queen looking directly at the viewer. Her upper body is adorned with a detailed gown featuring elegant patterns and intricate details. She wears a majestic crown adorned with jewels, and her flowing hair frames her face gracefully. The scene provides ample space for coloring. Bold lines, no shading, black and white, white background --ar 3:4

黑白线条艺术,无阴影,线条艺术,一个美丽的女王直视着观众的复杂线条艺术。她的上半身穿着一件细致的长袍,长袍上有优雅的图案和复杂的细节。她头戴镶满珠宝的威严王冠,飘逸的秀发衬托出她优雅的面容。该场景为上色提供了充足的空间。粗线条,无阴影,黑白,白底 --ar 3:4


Black and white line art, no shading, line art,a beautiful sparkly fairy with beautiful face and large eyes and blonde curly hair entwined with white flowers and white butterflies wearing pretty decorative white dress black and white for coloring book --ar 3:4

黑白线条艺术,无阴影,线条艺术,一个美丽的闪闪发光的仙女,有着漂亮的脸蛋和大眼睛,金色的卷发缠绕着白色的花朵和白色的蝴蝶,穿着漂亮的装饰性白色连衣裙。--ar 3:4


A simple coloring page line art illustration in the style of anime, featuring a princess with flowers in her hair. She is holding a bouquet of peonies, in a manga-style with low details and thick lines, without color. --ar 3:4

这是一幅动漫风格的简单填色页线描插图,主角是一位头发上插着鲜花的公主。她手捧一束牡丹花,采用漫画风格,细节少,线条粗,无色彩。--ar 3:4



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