
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-24 07:47:29

Strolling through the woods, the heart finds peace. 林间漫步,心自宁。 Sweet memories linger forever in the heart. 甜蜜回忆,常在心。 The beauty of mountains and rivers captivates. 山川秀美,令人醉。 Wind chimes whisper softly, a melody in dreams. 风铃细语,梦中音。 Time flies swiftly, may our wishes remain. 时光荏苒,愿常存。 Snow-covered pines stand tall, welcoming winter. 雪松挺拔,送寒冬。 The coastline stretches long, the heart yearns for it. 海岸线长,心向往。 #分享英语美文# #我们一起学英语# #宝藏兴趣攻略#

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