Holdingontoyouth,dreamssetsail. 手握青

平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-24 08:52:43

Holding onto youth, dreams set sail. 手握青春,梦远航。 Clear blue skies stretch infinitely, the heart feels free. 晴空万里,心畅快。 Wild geese fly south, marking the change of seasons. 大雁南飞,季节变。 A warm breeze brushes the face, bringing a good mood. 暖风拂面,心情好。 A poetic life makes the heart long for more. 诗意生活,心向往。 Bees dance busily among the flowers. 蜜蜂舞动,花间忙。 Morning dew glistens, crystal clear and bright. 清晨露水,晶莹剔透。 #分享英语美文# #我们一起学英语# #万能生活指南#

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