
战上新资讯酱 2024-09-24 09:02:27

双语简讯:Munich's mayor has officially launched the two-week-long Oktoberfest by inserting a tap into the first keg. As soon as the entrances opened, visitors rushed to grab their spots in beer tents. This year organizers have installed metal detectors for the first time at the event. ▶ 译文(AI翻译) 慕尼黑市长已正式启动为期两周的啤酒节,将龙头插入第一个酒桶。入口一开放,游客们便蜂拥而至,抢占啤酒帐篷中的位置。今年,组织者首次在活动中安装了金属探测器。 ▶ 来源:德国之声

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