
佛哥是六哥助理哦 2024-09-24 11:12:15

Trump suggests he will not run again if he loses election 特朗普称若在11月美国总统大选中落败,四年后不会再次参选 Former President Donald Trump has said he does not expect to run for election again in 2028 if he is defeated in this November's US presidential poll. Trump, 78, has been the Republican candidate for three national elections in a row and has reshaped the party greatly over the last eight years. In an interview with Sinclair Media Group, he was asked if he could foresee another run in the event that he loses to Democratic Vice-President Kamala Harris. "No, I don't. I think... that will be it," Trump said. "I don't see that at all." 前总统唐纳德·特朗普表示,如果他在今年11月的美国总统大选中败选,他预计不会在2028年再次竞选。 现年78岁的特朗普已经连续三次成为共和党总统候选人,并在过去八年里极大地重塑了该党。 在接受辛克莱媒体集团采访时,他被问及如果输给民主党副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯,是否会再次参选。“不,我不会。我想……这将是最后一次了。” 特朗普表示,“我完全看不到这种可能性。” ☞ suggest 英 [səˈdʒest] 美 [səˈdʒest] v. 提议,建议;推荐,举荐;显示,表明;暗示,暗指;使人想到,使人联想到 ☞ poll 英 [pəʊl] 美 [poʊl] n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票,计票;投票数;投票点(the polls);头顶,头皮;无角动物(尤指无角牛) v. 对……进行民意测验(调查);获得(票数);(电信,计算机)轮询,探询;截掉(动物,尤指小牛)的角;修枝 The polls means an election for a country's government, or the place where people go to vote in an election. 政治大选; 投票地点 Incumbent officeholders are difficult to defeat at the polls. 现任官员很难在选举中被击败。 ☞ reshape 英 [ˌriːˈʃeɪp] 美 [ˌriːˈʃeɪp] vt. 改造;再成形 To reshape something means to change its structure or organization. 改变; 重塑 If they succeed, then they will have reshaped the political and economic map of the world. 如果他们获得成功,他们将会改变世界的政治和经济格局。 ☞ foresee 英 [fɔːˈsiː] 美 [fɔːrˈsiː] v. 预见,预知 If you foresee something, you expect and believe that it will happen. 预见 He did not foresee any problems. 他没有预见到任何问题。 ☞ 报道提到,特朗普今年78岁,2028年将年满82岁,比美国总统拜登现在的年龄还要大一岁。拜登在今年7月退出了竞选,此前他在辩论中表现糟糕,且数月来一直被特朗普和其他保守派人士抨击年龄过大且反复无常,不适合担任总统。

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