
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-24 17:10:51

1. The Milky Way is like a dream, the night is profound. 星河如梦,夜深邃。 2. White snow blankets the earth, everything is quiet. 白雪皑皑,天地静。 3. Green willows provide shade, summer feels cool. 绿柳成荫,夏日凉。 4. Smoke swirls around, thoughts take flight. 烟雾缭绕,思绪飞。 5. Green mountains and waters, as if wandering in a painting. 青山绿水,画中游。 6. Morning fog spreads, creating a mysterious realm. 晨雾弥漫,神秘境。 7. Warm sunlight embraces the heart. 温暖阳光,拥抱心。 #浅谈英语学习# #探讨英语之美# #分享英语美文# #宝藏兴趣攻略#

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