
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-24 20:44:43

1. The pen gently touches, writing down thoughts. 笔尖轻触,心事写。 2. The windmill spins, the heart follows its will. 风车转动,心随意。 3. Starlight sparkles, making the night even more beautiful. 星光璀璨,夜更美。 4. The dawn gradually reveals, bringing new hope. 晨曦渐露,新希望。 5. The river babbles, filled with many stories. 河流潺潺,故事多。 6. The scorching summer sun shines, seeking shade. 炎夏骄阳,遮荫处。 7. Rays of dawn illuminate the earth. 霞光万丈,照大地。 #分享英语美文#

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