
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-25 17:45:02

1. Flower petals gently fall, the essence of spring deepens. 花瓣轻落,春意浓。 2. A gentle breeze arrives, bringing comfort to the heart. 清风徐来,心舒畅。 3. The dawn breaks, ushering in a new day. 晨曦初现,新一天。 4. The sound of cicadas rises, heralding the arrival of summer. 蝉声渐响,夏日临。 5. The fragrance of books fills the air, hearts are intertwined. 书香满溢,心相依。 6. Walking alone under the moonlight, shadows follow. 月下独行,影随行。 7. Green grass like a carpet, pleasant to the eye. 绿草如茵,怡人目。 #我们一起学英语##宝藏兴趣攻略#

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