
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-27 23:45:29

1. The bright moon shines, accompanying me on my journey. 明月皎洁,伴我行。 2. The spring breeze blows for miles, peach blossoms smile. 春风十里,桃花笑。 3. Dusk settles in, thoughts surge forth. 暮色四合,思绪涌。 4. The clear spring flows, nourishing the heart. 清泉流淌,润心田。 5. Birds sing and flowers bloom, the voice of spring. 鸟语花香,春之声。 6. The autumn wind wails, a solitary journey. 秋风萧瑟,孤独旅。 7. Strolling among the clouds, dreams return in haze. 漫步云间,梦回朦。 #分享英语精华# #分享英语短文# #万能生活指南#

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