
平凡说综合美好的 2024-09-29 11:24:08

1. Heart has its place, courage moves forward. 心有所属,勇向前。 2. In books, there are treasures. 书中自有,黄金屋。 3. The sun rises in the east, illuminating all. 日出东方,光明照。 4. The sun sets in the west, and the afterglow is warm. 日落西山,余晖暖。 5. The autumn breeze brings coolness, leaves flutter down. 秋风送爽,叶纷飞。 6. A heart like a clear mirror observes the world calmly. 心如明镜,静观世。 7.White clouds drift freely, wandering at will. 白云悠悠,随意行。 #我们一起学英语##分享英语精华##万能生活指南#

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