
外贸的料哥 2024-10-05 12:24:23
✅应对客户讨价还价,几种亲测有效的方法: 1️⃣转移焦点法:不谈规格、参数、交期、付款方式,只谈价格的都是没有意义的。 I understand exactly how important that is to you, but let us just set aside for a minute and talk about the other issues. Tell me about the specs on the products. (1)Do you require us to use pallet for packing? (2)What kind of payment terms are we talking about? · 2️⃣综合成苯法:把价格和产品质量、性能、售后等挂钩 Although we are all called xxx machine, I am sure u know well that different Quality of material used and different designing adopted make much difference on the price. · 3️⃣价值交换法:把价格和各种其他的谈判条款绑定,比如用更优质的数量,交期,付款方式做价格下调的交换。如果客户可以在其他方面做让步,我们也可以适当降低价格 Are you open to consider a new payment term for a discount? I could offer you some xx% discount if you could consider a 60% pre-payment. · 4️⃣成苯分解法:讲清楚产品定位和市场情况,如果还要求低价,那只能放弃现有的高水平高质量 I have done a total cost breakdown for your reference as attached hoping to make our cost structure more visualized to you.

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