
没的花杂货说 2024-10-12 11:11:12
今天正好国际化石日也收到了新的玩物。必须来一张。好久没更新了。英国虫菊石。最有趣的是在虫菊石头上刚好有个小腹足。就好像变成了头部。拿回家打开快递。弟弟对着菊石大喊 “蛇”“🐍”。肚脐有轻微破损。不过没关系。我后面有时间。我自己给他修复了。我感觉我能行 British Lower Jurassic, Lower Lias Ammonite and Rare Gastropod fromMonmouth Beach, Lyme Regis, Dorset, England (SKU A3435):- Vermiceras (Gyrophioceras) aff. supraspiratus and Ptychomphalus cf. expansus A 1 side prepped example of this British Ammonite. Comes with a cut rock base for display and species/locality label. Found;- Bucklandi Zone, Lower Lias, Lower Jurassic, Monmouth Beach, Lyme Regis, Dorset. England.Age:-180 Million Years Old Ammonite Size = 8 cm, Gastropod = 2 cm. Overall Size = 15.5 high by 18.5 cm wide 化石化石 化石标本 菊石 菊石收藏 菊石化石 化石收藏 收藏

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  • Yumi 1
    2024-10-12 18:24
