
求职记七七说 2024-10-14 12:05:44
新鲜的欧莱雅英语视频题目 今天两位小伙伴的题目是:总的来说就是欧莱雅五大潜能的衍生:创新力/挑战/团队合作(⁉️⁉️可以看一下上一篇笔记📓)会出2个方向需要你讲述故事/经历 总的来说要准备2个case,并且这两个case最好是囊括了五大潜能的,这样无论问道那个题目,你只需要讲述Case中的某一个小故事/任务即可! 1. Share an experience when your colleague didn't want to cooperate with you. Why didn't he want to cooperate with you? And how did you solve this problem? 2. A decision you made after careful consideration. What reasons did you consider? What things did you refer to? And what was the final result?

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