
周末姐说职场 2024-10-27 05:22:26
德勤笔试做完了|OT➕VI有点难 德勤属于海笔,网申后1-2天内就会收到OT邀请,可以有10天时间来完成。和去年一样分为3大类题目! 能力测试(SHL系统)共46分钟 前面会给10分钟练习,快速熟悉界面与题型。 然后需要36分钟内完成24题,大家可以利用SHL题库提前准备或者多双双真题,提高速度与准确率(这里真的要多刷!) 性格测试10min 大家根据自己的实际情况和岗位要求填写,夸夸自己就好~ 视频面试总共3道题目,第一道就是用来测试摄像头和麦克风的,不计入成绩,第二道第三道题目如下 1️⃣Describe a time in your work or study when you ex perience stress, what about the situation give you stress, how did you deal with it? 2️⃣ Tell me a time where you didn‘t put much effort, what feedback you receive, how you handle this situation. Describe a time when you made a mistake orwhen you did not apply the necessary effort ina task or project. what feedback did you receive? How did you change your approach asa result of this feedback receive? 德勤笔试OT➕VI和去年大差不差,整体还是有点难度的,考试过的网测真题,有需要的🉑直接D我【德勤】📃🆓share给大家~

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