胜固欣然 It's delightful to win 败亦可喜 and it's also pleasant to lose 人生如棋 Life is like a game of chess 落子无悔 and once a move is made, there's no regret 博弈里的每一步都是抉择 Every step in the game is a choice. 以茶会友 Meeting friends over tea 茶香四溢 the fragrance of tea fills the air 如春风拂面 like the gentle touch of spring breeze on the face 辩理求真 Seeking truth through debate 正反交锋 with pros and cons clashing 擦出真理的火花 sparking the light of truth 竞技乐趣 The joy of competition 碰撞热情 the passion in collision 决胜瞬间 at the decisive moment 每一次挥拍 every swing of the racket 都是对胜利的渴望 is the longing for victory 那些瞬间 Those moments 都是对努力的回报 are the rewards for hard work 把握每一次分量 Grasp every opportunity 体会每一口醇香 savor every sip of mellow fragrance 输赢是比赛的结局 Winning or losing is the outcome of the game 但不是开始的目的 but not the purpose at the start 逆流而上 Going against the current 知弈人生 knowing the life of chess-playing
胜固欣然 It'sdelightfultowin 败亦可喜 andit'
2024-12-15 20:04:30