
一只外贸萤火虫 2024-12-21 15:14:08
‼️外贸人不放过任何一个逼单的节日[派对R][派对R][派对R] 圣诞节🎄逼单话术😎 [一R][向右R]And after xxx, the Shipping space will get very tight becauseofthe ChrisTmas Season.In addition, the freight chargeshallfluctuate obviouslythat time.x月后,由于圣诞旺季,舱位会变得很紧张。另外运费也会明显波动。🤓 [二R][向右R]We don‘t mean to rush you. However, China is abouttohave a long Spring Festival holiday, and during that time,allfactories will be on holiday.我们没有要催你的意思。但是中国即将要放春节长假,在那段时间中,所有工厂都会放假。(节日名称据实修改) [三R][向右R]It will be the peak season in our comPany at the end ofyear.lfyour order is ready please send us earlier for us toarrangeproduction plan in time.Thanks for yourcooperation in advance.年底将是我们公司的旺季。如果您的订单准备好了,请提前发送给我们,以便我们及时安排生产计划。🫡 [四R][向右R]Recently, many of my customers from your countryhavestarted a new round of purchasing. You are also one ofmy veryimportant customers, so l would like to check if youhave anynew orders for this year?近期,我的许多来自贵国的客户都开始了新一轮的采购。您也是我非常重要的客户之一,所以我想和您确认今年是否还有新的订单[黑薯问号R]

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