千头赤松中山陵,十朝馆不忘恩人魏特琳,华小姐,鲁照宁说航空摄影等讲座之一,冬至金陵烧纸钱,江苏紫金大剧院,ms.green觅新|餐吧价目表, 茗 TEA 小吃餐食 FOOD 秦淮区不可移动文物 东方饭店 延龄巷38号 秦淮区文化局二 O 一四年六月二十七日公布 ﹣秦淮区不可移动文物说明牌 东方饭店 Oriental Hotel 東方饭店동방立贸 1927年由汤子材创办,原名东亚饭店。1934年扩建客房,更名为东方饭店。当时有高级单人房间76间,接待校级以上军官和要员、富商大贾。1937年后被侵华日军占用,改名宝来馆,专门接待日本旅客。抗战胜利后恢复原名,对外营业。作为民国时期公共服务型建筑,见证了饭店行业的发展历史。 Bulit in 1927 by Tang Zical , the hotel was originally known as East Asia Hotel . In 1934, It was expanded and renamed the Oriental Hotel . At that time , It had 76senior single rooms and received high - ranking officers , officlals and weaithy businessmen . It was occupled by the Japanese Invaders ofter 1937 and renamed the Baolal Hotel , recelving Japanese tourists only . With the victory of the Antl - Japanese War , it resumed its original name and started to open to the public . As a public service buliding during the Republic of China , it witnessed the development of the hotel industry . 秦淮区文化局
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