Wellwishing新年祝福 辞暮尔尔,烟火年年,祝你,祝我,祝我们,脚

Well wishing 新年祝福 辞暮尔尔,烟火年年,祝你,祝我,祝我们,脚下有路,远方有光。从此,踏足之处,皆是坦途。2025,喜乐顺遂,富足祥和。所念皆所成,所感亦无愁。时时有欢悦,诸事皆随心。愿新的一年,重启新篇,满目琳琅。愿今年,有趣有盼,无灾无难,暴富,大家过年好! Farewell to you, fireworks year after year, wish you, wish me, wish us, there is a road under our feet, and there is light in the distance. From then on, wherever you step, there is always a smooth path. In 2025, joy and success, prosperity and peace. All thoughts and feelings are achieved, and there is no worry. There is always joy, everything goes according to one's heart. May the new year bring a new chapter and a dazzling array of colors to your eyes. May this year be interesting, hopeful, disaster free, and prosperous. Happy New Year to everyone! ​ Happy the year of snake. 蛇年快乐。 Everything goes well. 万事如意。 Wish you wealth and prosperity. 恭喜发财。 Lots of luck and profits. 大吉大利。 Wish you a happy family. 阖家欢乐。 Have a great new year. 万事胜意。

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