2025-02-15 15:05:39
1.我命由我不由天:I'm the captain of my destiny, not heaven.12.若命运不公,就和它斗到底:
If fate is unfair, then fight it to the very end.
3.人心中的成见是一座大山,任你怎么努力都休想搬动:The pre -judice in people's hearts is like a mountain.No matter how hard you try, you can't move it.
4.别人的看法都是狗屁,你是谁只有你自己说了才算:Others'opin -ions are nonsense. Only you can decide who you are.
5.生而为魔,那又如何:Born as a demon, so what?
6.一生中能改变命运的机会,可不多呀:Opportunities to change one's destiny in life are rare!
7.我会让所有人刮目相看,走着瞧:I will make everyone look at me with new eyes. Just wait and see!
8.如果你问我,人能否改变自己的命运,我也不晓得,但是不认命,就是哪吒的命:If_you ask me whether people can change their own destiny, I don't know.But defying fate is Nezha's destiny.
9.人只有经历一番磨难,才能真正懂得自己的心:Onlyafter experi encing hardships can one truly understand their own heart.
10.你说我这形象,会不会给人第一印象不太好啊?Do you think my appearance might give people a bad first impression?