2025-02-17 18:09:17
⑥They embraced/nestled/cuddled each other fondly/affectionately with the balmy breeze blowing sb's hair and whipping sb's face/with the light air whispering in sb's ears/with the sun/sunlight/wind greeting us gently."他们深情拥抱着彼此/依偎在一起,微风吹动发丝,拂过脸颊/微风在耳边私语/阳光/微风轻轻地迎接我们"
⑦Never before had I believed so firmly that her presence was a ray of light,lighteningup the day in the darkest time.“我从未如此深信过,她的出现是一束光,照亮最黑暗的日子"
⑧That affection towards our family is like a cup of green tea,refreshing and heartwarming."那份亲情像一抹清茶,沁人心脾,温暖人心"
⑨My mother's love was like the sunshine,giving me firmness and enthusiasm so that my will was strengthened."母亲的爱就像阳光,带给我坚定和热情,使意志更加坚定"