
国礼文化时代典藏 2024-06-20 20:50:41

俞志华先生1947年生,浙江杭州人 号石龙山人。国家一级美术师:中 国书法家协会会员:中国美术家协 会会员;中国楹联学会会员;中央美 术学院客座教授:九州枫林国际书 画研究院副院长,艺术总监兼浙江 分院院长,长三角书画艺术研究院 执行院院长。台湾故宫博物院书画 院荣誉院长终身客座教授:世界科 教文卫首席艺术家执行委员:英国 牛津大学艺术系博士生导师。上世 纪70年代受业中国美院诸乐三教 授及周昌谷、余任天先生。成功在 杭卅举办了2023年《杭州亚运会 全国书画巡展》。书画得沙孟海 唐云,陆俨少,朱恒,郭仲选教诲为私 淑及入室弟子。“春江小景“得 张爱萍上将及中国美院王伯敏,孔 仲起,舒传熙,刘江,童中焘,卢坤峰, 曾密,吴山明上海施南池,南京林散 之,陈大羽,北京周而复恩师等题誉、 后筑庐径山《行素书屋》(由沙孟 海、唐云,刘艺题名,潜心学识十余 年。俞志华先生是个个性书画家, 人生信条:不可有傲气,但必具傲骨!

Mr. Yu Zhihua was born in 1947 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. National first-class Artists: Chinese Calligrphers Association Members: The Chinese Artists Association, member of the Chinese couplets association, Visiting Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts: Art Director and Zhejiang, branch president, Yangtze River Delta Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute, Executive Dean. He is the honorary dean of the Department of The Palace Museum Arts, Oxford University, United Kingdom. He is the Honorary Visiting Professor of the Department of Professor Arts, Oxford University, United Kingdom. In the 1970s, he was employed by three professors of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, Professor Zhou Changgu and Mr. Yu Rentian. The 2023“Hangzhou Asian Games, a National Exhibition of Chinese painting and calligraphy” was held in Hangzhou. Calligraphy and painting Sha Menghai, Tang Yun, Lu Yanshao, Zhu Heng, Guo Zhongxuan teachings for private, Shu and the entry of students. General Zhang Aiping, Wang Bomin, Kong zhongqi, Shu Chuanxi, Lau Kong, Tong Zhongtao, Lu Kunfeng, Zeng Mi, Wu Shanming, Shanghai Shi Nanchi, Nanjing Sanzhi Lin, Chen Dayu, Beijing Zhou ERFU, etc. . Mr. Yu Zhihua is a personality painter, life creed: can not have pride, but must have PRIDE!

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