
英语翻译 2024-09-11 11:57:12

原创 资深英语自由翻译  2024年09月11日 11:13 陕西


Legal Diplomacy and National Rise

林 巍   张法连

By Lin Wei and Zhang Falian

[1] 一个国家的崛起,取决于多种因素,法律外交无疑是其中重要的一项,这已被越来越多的事实所佐证。

[1] The rise of a nation is determined by a variety of factors, one of the most important of which is undoubtedly legal diplomacy. It has been proved by more and more facts.

[2] 法律外交是一种价值观外交,其本质是基于法治价值追求的外交 —— 信仰法治、崇尚法治、践行法治思维,通过理解、参与、运用国际法来展开外交。这不仅有利于一国在国际关系中争取利益,而且能强化其合法性,提高其在国际社会的认可度与支持度。

[2] Legal diplomacy is a value-oriented diplomacy, which is essentially based on legal values-Believe in the rule of law, advocate the rule of law, implement legal thoughts, and conduct diplomacy by understanding, participating in and applying international laws. It is not only beneficial to a country’s striving for benefits in international relations, but also can strengthen its legitimacy and make it more recognized and supported by the international community.

[3] 从历史看,以国际法为支撑的法律外交,是所有崛起之国处理国际关系的不二重器。在此过程中,大国固然如是,但小国亦然,而且因为其军事、经济、人口等条件的限制,法律外交更是其最佳、乃至唯一的选择。

[3] Historically, legal diplomacy supported by international law was the most important treasure for all emerging countries to handle international relations. During this process, large countries would naturally turn to legal diplomacy, but it was also the case to small countries. Moreover, subject to military, economic and demographic conditions and so on, legal diplomacy has become their best or even the only choice.

[4] 受文明程度和国际法发展水平的制约,在近代之前,国家的崛起一般通过武力征服的方式。世界进入近代之后,随着国际交往的增多、国际法体系的不断健全,特别是法律外交的出现,逐步建立起文明、合理的全球秩序和国际规则,使得世界和平发展的法治基础得以夯实。

[4] Restricted by the level of civilization and the development of international law, national rise was usually through military conquest before modern times. As the world entered modern times, with the increase of international exchanges and the continuous improvement of the international law system, and especially with the emergence of legal diplomacy, a civilized and reasonable global order and international rules were gradually established, thus consolidating the legal basis for the peaceful development of the world.

[5] 这一过程,有着正反两方面的丰富经验和教训,值得认真汲取。

[5] During this process, there are abundant experience and lessons, both positive and negative, which are worthy of our careful absorption.

[6] 15到16世纪,西班牙和葡萄牙先后改进航海技术,利用数学、地理学、天文学的新知识,广泛进行跨洋贸易,开拓殖民地。特别是两国充分利用了当时的国际法规则,如1494年的《托德西利亚斯条约》和1529年的《萨拉戈萨条约》,为其长期在海外争取国家利益奠定了法律基础。但由于仅将其殖民地视为国际法上的无主地,同时忽略了欧洲邻国在海外的利益,因而在这些民族和国家兴起后,这两国便注定面临失去其领先优势和所属领地的命运。

[6] During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Spain and Portugal conducted extensive cross-ocean trades and opened colonies successively through improving the navigation technology and applying new knowledge in mathematics, geography and astronomy. In particular, the two countries laid a legal foundation for their striving for national interests overseas on a long-term basis by taking full advantage of the then international laws such as Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 and Treaty of Saragossa in 1529. However, they only treated these colonies as terra nullius in terms of international laws while ignoring the overseas interests of their neighboring European countries. Therefore, with the rise of these nations and countries, the two countries were doomed to lose their leading edge and territories.

[7] 之后,以工业革命和科学技术为强大支撑,英国迅速崛起,建立了一个占世界总面积和人口四分之一的日不落帝国。英国善用法律外交,通过《乌特勒支条约》等国际法规,为其殖民活动确立了法律基础,同时还形成了本国法律文化国际化的发展方略,首先提出了“国际法”的概念,并扮演了模范遵守国际法的角色,对世界国际法格局的形成产生了深远意义。

[7] Then, vigorously supported by the industrial revolution and science and technology, the Great Britain emerged rapidly, becoming an empire on which the sun never set, and whose area and population accounted for one quarter of the world total. Good at legal diplomacy, the Great Britain established a legal basis for its colonial activities based on international laws like Treaty of Utrecht, etc., while developing a strategy for internationalizing its own laws and cultures. It was the first to propose the concept of “international law”, and played an exemplary role of abiding by international law, thus having a far-reaching significant impact on the formation of the world’s international law pattern.

[8] 美国的特色崛起,吸取了前车之鉴。早在1823年,美国便提出了欧洲列强不得干涉美洲事务的“门罗主义”,这一坚决秉持国际法观念和法律外交的立场,涵义至深。二十世纪后,无论是威尔逊总统主张的“十四点”原则,还是巴黎和会后的华盛顿体系,特别是1945年联合国的创立,国际货币基金组织的形成,《关税及贸易总协定》的制定,美国的法律外交都从中起了主导作用。

[8] The characteristic rise of the United States took into account lessons from the mistakes of other countries. As early as 1823, the United States proposed “Monroeism”, claiming that no European powers were allowed to interfere in American affairs. This stance of resolutely upholding the international law concept and legal diplomacy had a profound significance. In the twentieth century, whether in the “fourteen principles” claimed by President Wilson, or in the Washington System following Paris Peace Conference, especially in the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, the formation of the International Monetary Fund, and the formulation of General Agreement on Tariff and Trade, the legal diplomacy of the United States played a dominant role.

[9] 然而,近代德国和日本的崛起与衰落,则为世界留下了值得反思的教训。

[9] However, the rise and fall of modern Germany and Japan taught the world valuable lessons.

[10] 十九世纪末,德国已崛起为工业化强国,但它却忽视国际关系的变化和国际法的意义,仍试图以武力方式谋取国家利益,因而在第一次世界大战中惨败,成为《凡尔赛和约》的制裁对象。第二次世界大战后的纽伦堡审判,又把战争发动者永远钉在了世界历史的耻辱柱上,彰显了国际法的正义与道德力量。

[10] At the end of the nineteenth century, Germany had become a strong industrial power. However, neglecting changes in international relations and the significance of international law, it still attempted to seek national interests by force of arms, thus suffering a crushing defeat in the First World War, and becoming a sanction target of the Treaty of Versailles. After the end of the Second World War, the Nuremberg Trial nailed the war initiator to the pillar of shame of the world history eternally, manifesting the righteous and moral strength of international law.

[11] 1868年后,日本经过了明治维新的洗礼,逐步从一个落后的封建制弱国崛起为一个现代化强国,但它却走上了侵略、掠夺他国之路,违背了当时日趋宽容、理性的国际法精神,以武力不断向外扩张,使中国及相关邻国成为灾难深重的受害者。然而,国际关系的新格局和国际法的新理念,已经不允许日本通过非和平手段崛起,因而以完败收场。

[11] After 1868, through the baptism of Meiji Restoration, Japan gradually became a powerful modern country from a backward and weak feudal one. However, it embarked on the path of invading and plundering other countries, violating the then increasingly tolerant and rational international law spirit. It kept on expanding outwards by force of arms, making China and other neighboring countries disaster-ridden victims. However, the new pattern of international relations and the new concept of international laws no longer allowed Japan to rise through non-peaceful means. As a result, it was completely defeated.

[12] 国际社会正反两方面的实践表明,一个国家的崛起,不仅靠其自身的实力和自然、社会条件,而且还须顺从国际发展趋势,遵循国际法规则,以现代文明理念妥善处理国与国间关系,而所有这些均需通过务实、有效的法律外交加以实现。

[12] The positive and negative practices of the international community demonstrate that the rise of a nation is determined not only by its own strength and natural and social conditions, but also by conforming to the international development trend, following international laws, and properly handling international relations with the concept of modern civilization. All of these must be realized through pragmatic and effective legal diplomacy.






























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