
星弘康康 2024-09-10 17:22:00
精彩不容错过 | 第60届EASD年会首次设置LBA专场,编者按 第60届欧洲糖尿病研究协会(EASD)年会将于2024年9月9~13日在西班牙马德里举行。EASD年会是世界上最大的糖尿病会议之一,每年吸引数千名代表,是医学工作者了解糖尿病领域最新创新和发展的绝佳机会,它广泛涵盖科学基础研究、当前的治疗、技术和护理,以鼓舞人心的专题讨论会、口头和简短的口头报告、颁奖讲座、辩论和讨论的形式展开,为自世界各地的广大参会者提供交流并互相学习经验和专业知识的平台。 此次年会共收到1814篇投稿摘要,其中1064篇被接受纳入,并设置了80余场专题会。 值得关注的是,在EASD年会的历史上,此次年会首次设置了延迟公布的摘要(late-breaking abstracts,LBA)专场,以7场口头报告(Oral Presentations)和5场简短口头谈论(Short Oral Discussions)形式呈现,共71项研究(其中7项中国研究入选),以确保我们捕捉到糖尿病研究和护理的最新热点话题。现在请跟着小编一起来看看此次年会有哪些重磅研究公布吧。 一、口头报告(Oral Presentations) LBA OP 01-糖尿病管理和心血管健康的进展 (Advancements in diabetes management and cardiovascular health) 当地时间:2024年9月10日10:30 AM-12:00 PM 北京时间:2024年9月10日16:30-18:00 地址:Cairo Hall 在2型糖尿病患者中比较SGLT2i与DPP-4i的疗效:采用EMPA-REG标准模拟试验 LBA 01-Sglt2i versus dpp4i in patients with type 2 diabetes: emulation of a target trial in an empa-reg inspired population 基于机器学习的2型糖尿病患者连续血糖监测因子CV与冠心病风险预测模型构建及相关性分析 LBA 02-Machine learning-based prediction model construction and correlation analysis of continuous glucose monitoring factor CV and the risk of coronary heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes X. Li, Z. Feng, J. Shao;Endocrinology, Jinling Hospital (Eastern Theater General Hospital), Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. 伴有或不伴有糖尿病的血液透析患者的心律失常和低血糖(CADDY研究):丹麦多中心队列研究 LBA 03-Cardiac arrhythmias and hypoglycaemia in patients receiving haemodialysis with and without diabetes (the CADDY study): a Danish multicentre cohort study 根据糖尿病状态评估非奈利酮治疗射血分数轻度降低和保留的心力衰竭的作用:FINEARTS-HF分析 LBA 04-Finerenone in heart failure with mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction heart failure according to diabetes status: an analysis of FINEARTS-HF 减肥代谢手术后胰高糖素样肽-1受体激动剂(GLP-1RA)治疗对主要心血管不良事件(MACE)一级预防的益处 LBA 05-The benefit of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists treatment followimg bariatric metabolic surgery for primary prevention of MACE FINE-HEART:一项针对心力衰竭、慢性肾脏疾病和2型糖尿病的3项Ⅲ期临床试验的综合汇总分析 LBA 06-Fine-heart: an integrated pooled analysis of finerenone across 3 phase iii trials of heart failure and chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes LBA OP 02-糖尿病患者的运动、代谢和激素反应 (Exercise, Metabolism and hormonal responses in diabetes) 当地时间:2024年9月10日3:15 PM-4:45 PM 北京时间:2024年9月10日21:15-22:45 地址:Cairo Hall Dapiglutide治疗肥胖:一项双盲、安慰剂对照、概念验证研究 LBA 07-Dapiglutide for the treatment of obesity: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept study 人类骨骼肌的性别特异性差异:一项多组学运动研究 LBA 08-Sex specific differences of human skeletal muscle: a multi-omics exercise study 不同情况下1型糖尿病患者心肺和有氧运动测试评估多种生物标志物和激素:ACT-ONE研究 LBA 09-Cardiopulmonary and aerobic exercise tests assessing multiple biomarkers and hormones in type 1 diabetes under different circumstances: the act-one study 空腹状态下运动并使用自动胰岛素输送:需要低剂量胰高血糖素吗? LBA 10-Fasted exercise with automated insulin delivery: Is low-dose glucagon needed 液体和固体混合餐试验在胃旁路手术后餐后反应性低血糖综合征中的价值 LBA 11-The value of liquid and solid mixed meal tests in postprandial reactive hypoglycaemic syndrome after gastric bypass surgery 每周一次司美格鲁肽对肥胖女性味觉的影响 LBA 12-Once weekly semaglutide and taste perception in women with obesity LBA OP 03-糖尿病基于肠促胰素的治疗和代谢的见解 (Incretin-based therapies and metabolic insights in diabetes) 当地时间:2024年9月11日3:30 PM-5:00 PM 北京时间:2024年9月11日21:30-23:00 地址:London Hall 利拉鲁肽3.0 mg用于治疗6至12岁以下儿童肥胖:来自第一项随机3期研究的结果 LBA 13-Liraglutide 3.0 mg for the treatment of obesity in children aged 6 to <12 3 years: results from the first randomised, phase study Survodutide通过对脂肪组织的早期作用改善全身胰岛素敏感性,而不依赖于减少食物摄入量 LBA 14-Survodutide improves systemic insulin sensitivity via early effects on adipose tissue independent of reduced food intake 胰高血糖素受体信号对慢性热量限制的代谢和寿命影响是不可或缺的 LBA 15-Glucagon receptor signalling is indispensable for the metabolic and lifespan effects of chronic caloric restriction 比较Mazdutide与度拉糖肽治疗2型糖尿病(DREAMS-2):一项随机、开放标签、为期28周的3期试验 LBA 16-Mazdutide vs dulaglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes (DREAMS-2): a randomised, open-label, 28-week phase 3 trial L. Guo1, W. Yang2, X. Dong3, X. Zhang4, H. Cai5, H. Jiang6, L. Zhang7, P. Jin8, X. Wang9, H. Hu10, F. Xue10, L. Li10, H. Deng10, L. Qian10, The DREAMS-2 Investigators 1Beijing Hospital, Beijing, China,2China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing, China,3Jinan Central Hospital, Jinan, China, 4Genertec Liaoyou Gem Flower Hospital, Panjin, China, 5The Second Norman Bethune Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China,6The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, China,7Jincheng General Hospital, Jincheng, China,8The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, China,9Yuncheng Central Hospital, Yuncheng, China,10Innovent Biologics, Inc, Suzhou, China. 长效葡萄糖依赖性促胰岛素分泌多肽受体激动剂可改善2型糖尿病患者的胰岛素敏感性和β细胞功能 LBA 17-A long-acting glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor agonist improves insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in subjects with type 2 diabetes 每周一次艾塞那肽对2型糖尿病患者骨折的影响及其危险因素:一项EXSCEL临床试验事后分析 LBA 18-Effect of once-weekly exenatide on, and risk factors for, bone fractures in type 2 diabetes: an EXSCEL clinical trial post-hoc analysis LBA OP 04-糖尿病管理:保护肾功能,预防视网膜病变 (Diabetes management: protecting kidney function and preventing retinopathy) 当地时间:2024年9月12日10:45 AM-12:15 PM 北京时间:2024年9月12日16:45-18:15 地址:London Hall 瑞典肥胖患者的短期糖尿病缓解和眼部微血管并发症风险:一项前瞻性队列研究 LBA 19-Short-term diabetes remission and risk of ophthalmic microvascular complications in Swedish obese subjects: a prospective cohort study 非奈利酮可显著降低伴有白蛋白尿超过300 mg/g的CKD 3期糖尿病患者的FGF-23水平:一项为期6个月的前瞻性随机对照研究 LBA 20-Finerenone significantly reduces FGF-23 levels in diabetic CKD patients with CKD stage 3 with albuminuria more than 300 mg/g : a 6 months prospective randomised controlled study 在2型糖尿病合并CKD患者中基线时使用或不使用MRA时,司美格鲁肽的肾脏、心血管和全因死亡结局:FLOW试验分析 LBA 21-Kidney, cardiovascular and all-cause mortality outcomes of semaglutide with and without baseline MRA use in type 2 diabetes and CKD: a FLOW trial analysis GLP-1联合SGLT2i治疗1型糖尿病、BMI>25 kg/m2和慢性肾脏疾病患者:一项随机对照试验 LBA 22-Combining GLP-1 with SGLT2 inhibitors to treat patients with type 1 diabetes, BMI more than 25 kg/m2, and chronic kidney disease: a randomised, controlled trial 肾窦脂肪是肾脏健康恶化的危险因素 LBA 23-Renal sinus fat is a risk factor of deteriorating renal health Exendin-4降低2型糖尿病小鼠骨折发生率的新机制:减少Sema4D分泌,提高皮质骨机械强度 LBA 24-New mechanism that Exendin-4 reduces fracture incidence in type 2 diabetic mice: reduce Sema4D secretion to improve cortical bone mechanical strength N. Wang;Tang du hospital, xi'an, China. LBA OP 05-糖尿病、心理健康和神经保护:新的证据和机制 (Diabetes, mental health and neuroprotection: emerging evidence and mechanisms) 当地时间:2024年9月12日3:30 PM-5:00 PM 北京时间:2024年9月12日21:30-23:00 地址:London Hall 胰高糖素样肽-1受体激动剂和钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2型抑制剂对糖尿病大鼠急性和慢性脑损伤的神经保护作用:小胶质细胞的影响 LBA 25-Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors neuroprotective properties in acute and chronic brain damage in diabetic rats: impact of microglia 体质指数与精神障碍:一项丹麦队列研究 LBA 26-Body mass index and mental disorders: a Danish cohort study SGLT-2i和GLP-1RA对2型糖尿病患者神经精神障碍结局的影响:来自国家合作数据库的真实世界证据 LBA 27-Effect of SGLT-2i and GLP-1RA on the outcome of neuropsychatric disorder in people with type 2 diabetes: real world evidence from an national collaborative database X. Song1,2, C. Liu1;1Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA,2Endocrinology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. 胰高血糖素受体位于人类大脑皮层区域的神经元中,信号传导受损与人类认知能力下降有关 LBA 28-The glucagon receptor is located in neurons in cortical regions of the human brain and impaired signalling associates with cognitive decline in humans 胰岛素抵抗与认知的关联与脑葡萄糖摄取、结构和网络连接的变化同时发生 LBA 29-Association of insulin resistance and cognition concurrent to changes in brain glucose uptake, structure, and network connectivity 分析最近发现的肽:CAP-GDF15 LBA 30-Profiling the recently discovered peptide: CAP-GDF15 LBA OP 06-变革性胰岛疗法和基因发现 (Transformative islet therapies and genetic discoveries) 当地时间:2024年9月13日10:30 AM-11:30 AM 北京时间:2024年9月13日16:30-17:30 地址:Cairo Hall 输注完全分化胰岛细胞的1型糖尿病患者血糖控制的改善和外源性胰岛素使用的消除(VX-880) LBA 31-Improvement in glycaemic control and elimination of exogenous insulin use in patients with type 1 diabetes infused with fully differentiated islet cells (VX-880) 1型糖尿病IFIH1基因在胰腺α细胞和β细胞中不同地调控抗病毒反应 LBA 32-The type 1 diabtes gene IFIH1 regulates anti-viral responses differently in pancreatic alpha and beta cells 同种异体移植后无免疫抑制的低免疫胰岛细胞介导胰岛素依赖性 LBA 33-Hypoimmune islet cells mediate insulin independence after allogeneic transplantation without immunosuppression 胰岛素调节脂肪细胞外泌体小分子RNAs的表达和分泌 LBA 34-Insulin regulates expression and secretion of exosomal microRNAs in adipocytes LBA OP 07-糖尿病的新兴技术:从闭环系统到非侵入性 (Emerging technologies in diabetes: from closed loop systems to non-invasive) 当地时间:2024年9月13日12:00 PM-1:00 PM 北京时间:2024年9月13日18:00-19:00 地址:Cairo Hall 来自公共资助服务的Omnipod 5®混合闭环系统治疗成人1型糖尿病患者的真实世界研究 LBA 35-Real-world outcomes of the Omnipod 5 hybrid closed loop system in adults with type 1 diabetes from a publicly funded service: deprivation does not influence glycaemic improvements LENNY随机交叉试验表明,MiniMed 780G系统对2-6岁儿童安全有效 LBA 36-The LENNY randomised crossover trial demonstrates the MiniMed 780G system is safe and effective for children aged 2-6 每周皮下注射司美格鲁肽辅助胰岛素自动输送治疗:一项双盲、随机、交叉试验 LBA 37-Subcutaneous weekly semaglutide as adjunct to automated insulin delivery: a double-blinded, randomised, cross-over trial 用于糖尿病筛查的非侵入性近红外系统:ANODE03临床研究的第一个结果 LBA 38-Non-invasive near-infrared system for screening for diabetes: first results from the ANODE03 clinical investigation 二、简短口头谈论(Short Oral Discussions) LBA SO 01-Ailing heart, broken vessels 当地时间:2024年9月10日12:30 PM-1:30 PM 北京时间:2024年9月10日 18:30-19:30 地址:Station 18 强化血压控制对2型糖尿病患者大血管并发症影响的前瞻性队列研究 LBA 39-Prospective cohort study on the impact of intensive blood pressure control on macrovascular complications in type 2 diabetes individuals 急性心肌梗死后早期启动葡萄糖共转运蛋白-2抑制剂的有效性和安全性:一项系统回顾和荟萃分析 LBA 40-Efficacy and safety of early initiation of sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors following acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis 日本2型糖尿病患者动脉粥样硬化参数与衰老的关系及运动对臂踝脉搏波传导速度的影响 LBA 41-Relationships between atherosclerotic parameters and aging, and effects of exercise on branchial-ankle pulse wave velocity in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes 研究1型糖尿病患者中间代谢、两性二态性和心脏自主神经功能障碍之间的联系 LBA 42-Investigating the link between intermediate metabolism, sexual dimorphism, and cardiac autonomic dysfunction in patients with type 1 diabetes 2型糖尿病和糖尿病肾病患者周期性禁食期间的综合代谢分析 LBA 43-Comprehensive metabolic profiling during periodic fasting in individuals with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy 维生素B12缺乏与2型糖尿病患者视觉对比敏感度降低之间的关系 LBA 44-The association between vitamin B12 deficiency and reduced visual contrast sensitivity function in type 2 diabetes mellitus LBA SO 02-How NOT to get from fat to sweet 当地时间:2024年9月10日1:45 PM-2:45 PM 北京时间:2024年9月10日 19:45-20:45 地址:Station 18 肥胖、早期胰岛素抵抗和MASLD的动物模型:饮食问题 LBA 45-An animal model for obesity, early insulin resistance and MASLD: a matter of diet 运动引起的胰岛素敏感性增加:人类半胱氨酸氧化特征及其调节功能的化学计量学评估 LBA 46-Exercise-induced increase in insulin sensitivity: a stoichiometric assessment of the cysteine oxidation profile and its regulatory function in humans 视前PNOC神经元调节能量消耗和脂肪组织功能 LBA 47-Preoptic PNOC neurons modulate energy expenditure and adipose tissue function 单剂量的β2-肾上腺素能受体激动剂福莫特罗不会增加健康患者棕色脂肪组织的氧化代谢 LBA 48-A single dose of the β2-adrenergic receptor agonist formoterol does not increase oxidative metabolism of brown adipose tissue in healthy patients 双靶向gip负载光热纳米颗粒诱导白色脂肪组织褐变 LBA 49-Dual-targeted gip-loaded photothermal-nanoparticle to induce browning of white adipose tissue T.Xie1, Q. Pan1, L. Zhao2, K. Wen2, L. Zhang2, W. Wang1, L. Guo1; 1Department of endocrinology, Beijing Hospital,National Center of Gerontology, Beijing, China,2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. 揭示基质细胞蛋白Wisp1在葡萄糖代谢调节中的作用 LBA 50-Disentangling the contribution of the matricellular protein Wisp1 in the regulation of glucose metabolism LBA SO 03-One size down, three (or more) to go 当地时间:2024年9月11日12:45 PM-1:45 PM 北京时间:2024年9月11日18:45 -19:45 地址:Station 18 联合生活方式干预对肥胖患者体重的影响 LBA 51-The effect of combined lifestyle intervention on the weight of obesse patients 3周的生酮饮食增加了脑血流量和脑源性神经营养因子 LBA 52-A three-week ketogenic diet increases global cerebral blood flow and brain-derived neurotrophic factor 高浓度胰岛素AT278 U500在超重和肥胖2型糖尿病患者中的药代动力学和药效学特性 LBA 53-Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of highly concentrated insulin aspart AT278 U500 in overweight and obese people with type 2 diabetes 使用利拉鲁肽减肥配方的非糖尿病患者增加抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药的处方风险 LBA 54-Increased antidepressant and anxiolytic medication dispensing in non-diabetic patients using liraglutide weight loss formulation 新型降糖药的强化治疗可以改善血管功能参数,这是一种由体重减轻介导的效果 LBA 55-Treatment intensification with novel antidiabetic agents improves vascular function parameters, an effect mediated by body weight reduction 对低血糖的恐惧仍然是1型糖尿病患者运动的障碍:一项对障碍和预测因素的真实世界研究 LBA 56-Fear of hypoglycaemia remains a barrier to exercise in type 1 diabetes: a real-world study of barriers and predictive factors LBA SO 04 Never leave the liver (especially the fatty one)! 当地时间:2024年9月11日2:00 PM-3:00 PM 北京时间:2024年9月11日20:00-21:00 地址:Station 18 在肥胖小鼠中,GLP-1/胰高血糖素共激动作用比GLP-1更能降低肝脏脂肪,而胰高血糖素单激动作用则不能 LBA 57-GLP-1/glucagon co-agonism lowers liver fat more than GLP-1 but not glucagon mono-agonism in obese mice 肝脏GABA分流酶和GABA转运体影响肝脏GABA释放,从而影响小鼠血清胰岛素和胰岛素敏感性 LBA 58-Liver GABA shunt enzymes and GABA transporters affect liver GABA release to affect serum insulin and insulin sensitivity in mice 用[1,2-13C2]-L-谷氨酰胺质量同位素体测定健康和疾病患者体内肝脏线粒体代谢 LBA 59-Measuring hepatic mitochondrial metabolism in health and disease in vivo with [1,2-13C2]-L-glutamine mass isotopomers 肝脏组学在预测肥胖患者NAFLD严重程度中的应用 LBA 60-Application of liver omics in predicting NAFLD severity in obese patients 生酮饮食下生酮限速酶HMGCS2肝特异性消融的致死率 LBA 61-Lethality of liver-specific ablation of the ketogenic rate-limiting enzyme HMGCS2 under ketogenic diet 数据驱动的聚类分析确定了不同类型的代谢功能障碍相关的脂肪变性肝病 LBA 62-Data-driven cluster analysis identifies distinct types of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease 1型糖尿病患者夜间高血糖及其与肝脂肪变性的关系 LBA 63-Nocturnal hyperglycaemia and its association with hepatic steatosis in patients with type 1 diabetes LBA SO 05-Incretins up and roaring 当地时间:2024年9月12日12:45 PM-1:45 PM 北京时间:2024年9月10日18:45 -19:45 地址:Station 18 伴有或不伴有妊娠期糖尿病的妊娠期胆囊排空增加,GLP-1反应降低 LBA 64-Increased gallbladder emptying and reduced GLP-1 response in pregnancy with and without gestational diabetes mellitus CT-388,一种信号偏置双GLP-1/GIP受体激动剂,在成人肥胖患者中24周的安全性、药代动力学和药效学研究 LBA 65-Safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of CT-388, a signal-biased dual GLP-1/GIP receptor agonist, over 24 weeks in adults with obesity 新型GLP-1/GIP受体双激动剂HRS9531在2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者中的疗效和安全性:一项2期试验 LBA 66-Efficacy and safety of HRS9531, a novel dual GLP-1/GIP receptor agonist, in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): a phase 2 trial J. Zhao1, M. Zhao1, W. Song2, D. Wang3, X. Zhang4, Y. Hui5, Y. Zhou6, Y. Lu7, H. Chen8, L. Zhang8, X. Cui8, J. Wang8; 1Shandong First Medical University Affiliated Provincial Hospital, Jinan, China,2Chenzhou No. 1 People's Hospital, Chenzhou, China,3Lianyungang Hospital of TCM, Lianyungang, China,4Yueyang Central Hospital, Yueyang, China,5The First People's Hospital of Lianyungang, Lianyungang, China,6Pingxiang Second People's Hospital, Pingxiang, China,7The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China,8Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China. 一种新型GLP-1/FGF21双激动剂ZT003具有治疗肥胖、MASH和SHTG的潜力 LBA 67-A novel GLP-1/FGF21 dual agonist ZT003 has therapeutic potential for obesity, MASH and SHTG Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, S. Lin, W. Guo, B. Wu;Beijing QL Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Beijing, China 雌二醇偶联GLP-1在GLP-1R和随后介导雌激素释放的细胞内事件中的信号传导和运输动力学 LBA 68-Signaling and trafficking dynamics of Estradiol-conjugated GLP-1 at the GLP-1R and subsequent intracellular events mediating estrogen liberation 口服司美格鲁肽治疗糖尿病前期患者达到并维持正常血糖:一项为期18个月的多中心前瞻性随机对照研究 LBA 69-Oral semaglutide in individuals with prediabetes to achieve and maintain normoglycaemia: an 18 months multicentre prospective randomised controlled study 与GLP-1联合治疗的持续血糖监测相关的患者特征:来自美国医疗索赔分析的结果 LBA 70-Patient characteristics associated with continuous glucose monitoring in combination with GLP-1 therapy: results from an analysis of U.S. medical claims SGLT2抑制剂、GLP-1受体激动剂和重复经颅磁刺激治疗2型糖尿病合并肥胖症患者的体重减轻变异性和性别差异 LBA 71-Weight loss variability and gender-differences with SGLT2 inhibitors, GLP-1 receptor agonists and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in type 2 diabetes and obesity
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