
英语翻译 2024-08-22 13:21:55


17 岁的全红婵在巴黎上演的“水花消失术”让外国媒体再次聚焦这位年轻的中国跳水天才。全红婵一路走到今天,拿到第二块奥运金牌并不容易。

The "water splash disappearance technique" presented by 17-year-old Quan Hongchan in Paris refocused the attention of foreign media on the young Chinese diving talent. It is a challenging endeavor for Quan Hongchan to secure her second Olympic gold medal to the present day.


Rare is the chief executive who extols the virtues of a lie-in. The clever worm stays in bed if the early bird gets the worm. And the more emails you send in the morning, the more responses you will receive.


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