
国礼文化时代典藏 2024-04-12 15:46:08


只红梅,68年出生于哈尔滨,毕业于哈尔滨师范大学,导师卢禹舜,冯大中先生。主攻老虎、走兽。兼擅画人物花鸟草虫。清华美院助教,北京美协会员,国家一级美术师,中国收藏家协会会员,中国非物质文化遗产传承人。中国艺术协会会员,被名人百科授予人民喜爱的艺术家称号。作品多次在国内外各种大展中获奖并被收藏“《雄风》《高瞻远瞩》入选卢禹舜美术馆建馆九周年馆庆展 。《丁聪先生漫像》在国际肖像漫画大赛获得大奖,《中国美术报》、《国画家》等多家报刊发表作品百余幅。《王者之风》拍得35.5万,《十二生肖册页》拍得42万。Hong Mei, born in Harbin in 1968, graduated from the Harbin Normal University School. Focus on tigers, beasts. He is also good at drawing flowers, birds, grass and insects. Assistant Professor of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Member of Beijing n Association, National first-class artist, member of Chinese Collectors Association, inheritor of Chinese intangible cultural heritage. He is a member of the Chinese Art Association and has been awarded the title of Favorite Artist by Celebrity Encyclopedia. His works have won many awards in various exhibitions at home and abroad and been selected as the Ninth Anniversary Exhibition of Lu Yushun Art Museum. “Mr. Ding Cong caricature” in the International Portrait Comic Contest won the grand prize, “China Fine Arts”, “Chinese painters” and other newspapers published more than 100 works. Wind of kings fetched 355,000, and Zodiac album 420,000.艺术作品:

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