
建中康康 2024-04-19 06:26:17
编者按2024年3月27~31日,亚太肝脏研究学会(APASL)年会在日本京都隆重召开。作为国际顶级会议,今年APASL年会汇聚了大量最新研究进展。盛宴落幕,热度不减。在为期多天的学术盛宴中,有哪些重要研究、前沿观点发布,有哪些新奇新闻事件发生,让我们听听中国香港中文大学Jimmy Che-To LAI医生的亲身感悟,一起再次感受肝病领域的亚洲脉搏。 《国际肝病》 祝贺您荣获“Travel Award”奖,请您谈谈获奖感受、对未来科学研究的期待? Jimmy Che-To LAI医生:非常荣幸同时获得了今年的“Travel Award”和“Investigator Award”两大奖项,希望在未来能够继续向前推进研究,并更多地集中在门脉高压和肝硬化的诊断管理上。希望通过这些研究成果,可以推动整个领域的发展,通过非侵入性评估的全面应用和所获得的临床效果,为肝硬化患者做更多的事情。 : Congratulations, you have won the travel award. So how do you feel about this? And what's your expectations for the future? Dr. Jimmy Che-To LAI: Thank you very much. And also thank you so much for the inviting me to speak in this interview. It is a great honor to receive both the travel award as well as the investigator award in APASLthis year. I hope that my research can move forward the field as I would focus more on the management and diagnosis of portal hypertension and cirrhosis. And then with that, I am truly honored to receive the prize and as well, I hope by using my research output, we can move the field either forward with all the use of non-invasive assessments and all the clinical outcomes to bring forward what we can do more for patients with cirrhosis. Thank you. 《国际肝病》 您此次有两篇大会口头报告,均聚焦在肝硬化合并胸腔积液患者(摘要编号:O-0977和O-0981),能否请您作简要分享? Jimmy Che-To LAI医生:这两个口头报告涉及的研究已经纳入了3000多名肝硬化合并胸前积液患者,主要观察肝性胸水发病率和死亡率的长期变化趋势,结果显示过去十年中这些严重的并发症在中国香港呈下降趋势,可能与慢性病毒性肝炎患者治疗的改善,包括慢性乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎的抗病毒治疗有关。 : You had two oral presentations focusing on patients with liver cirrhosis and pleural effusion (O-0977, O-0981) in this conference. Can you give me a simple introduction? Dr. Jimmy Che-To LAI: Sure. My two oral presentations mainly focus on the hepatic hydrothorax patients who suffered from cirrhosis in our cohort. And we have included more than 3,000 patients who suffered from cirrhosis as well as hepatic hydrothorax. We studied the secular trend of the incidence rate as well as the mortality of hepatic hydrothorax. And we realize that for the patients that we recruited in Hong Kong, we showed a decreasing trend of this important complication throughout the past decade, but with an initial rise in the trend beforehand. We may postulate that this trend is likely related to an improved treatment for chronic viral hepatitis patients, such as antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis B and C. 《国际肝病》 请您谈谈本届年会上,您感兴趣的重要研究或总体参会感受。 Jimmy Che-To LAI医生:会议组织了很多富有成效的讲座,让人受益匪浅。另外,还涉及到一些聚焦在未来的研究领域与合作的可能,与全世界著名专家的这些探索性讨论非常有意义。希望借助这次交流,可以产生更多新的研究想法,同时可以推进一些有意义的国际合作。 : In this conference, what's your interested research? How do you feel about the whole conference? Dr. Jimmy Che-To LAI: In fact, this is really a good conference; well organized with a lot of discussions as well as very fruitful lectures that I also learned a lot, and as well to explore and have some brainstorming on the future research areas with all the collaborations and also discussions with other world-famous experts. Probably, I hope, with the use of this setting, we can also generate newer research ideas and as well to have some international collaborations.
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