
潍坊小初高课程 2024-04-03 05:25:14
一、假如你是萨拉(Sarah),新学期开始了,班级转来一名新同学埃拉(Ella), 她和你成为了好朋友。请根据提示写一封信给在外地工作的妈妈介绍一下你的新 朋友吧! 提示:1.注意书信格式;2.借助提示表达; 50 词左右。 Dear Mum, How are you? I'm very well. This is my new friend, Ella. She's my newmate. She's got long hair and big eyes. She's tall and thin. And I think she's very beautiful. She likes swimming. She's a nice girl. I miss you, Mum. Please write to me soon. Love, Sarah 二、昨天是周六,请将自己昨天在家做的令父母满意的事情介绍一下吧!三四 件即可。 Yesterday,I cleaned my room.I washed my clothes. I helped my mum wash her car. I finished my homework. And then I helped my dad cook noodles for dinner. I’m a good children. 三、根据提示写一篇短文;描述一下你的一次学校旅行。不少于 5 句话。 提示:When did you go on the school trip? Were you happy? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you do? Last Monday, we went on a school trip. We went skating. It was very cold, so I wore warm clothes.We saw many people there. At first, I fell over. But it didn't hurt a lot.After that, I was able to skate. It was funny. I had a good time. 四、琳达(Linda)有很多健康的生活习惯,请你参考以下短语:把她的好习惯写出来, 让大家一起来学习。 提示:do some exercise,eat vegetables,eat fruit,wash hands,go to bed early,play ball games... Linda usually does some exercise in the morning. She likes eating fruit and vegetables. She always washes hands before eating and after going to the toilet. She often goes to bed early. At weekends, she usually plays ball games with her friends. She has a very healthy life.We should learn from her. 五、请根据提示写一写埃米(Amy)糟糕的一天!30 词左右,开头与结尾已给出, 但不计人总词数。 提示:went for a bike ride rode very fast fell off the bike hurt her knees bumped her head Yesterday,Amy went for a bike ride. She rode very fast. Then she fell off the bike. And she bumped her head. She hurt her knees, too. It was really a bad day! 六、小红的书包丢了,请你根据提示描述一下书包的颜色、大小以及里面都装了 什么物品等,帮她完成下面的寻物启事吧 Lost I lost my schoolbag yesterday.My bag is red. It's big and nice.There is a ruler in it. And there are some books in it, too. Please help me find it. Thank you! Xiaohong 七、根据提示写一写上周末你是如何度过的。 提示:l.Where did you go? 2.What did you do? 要求:1.语句通顺,条理清晰。2.字迹工整,不少于 40 词。 Last weekend, I went to the park with my friends. I took a picture of the park. In the picture,there are some mountains and a lake. I saw a small boat on the lake.And I played football with my friends. We had a good time. 八、请对比一下你平时通常 usually 做的事情,以及昨天没有做的事情,不少于 五条对比。 I usually ride my bike to the park. But I didn’t ride my bike to the park yesterday. I usually play football in the park. But I didn’t play football yesterday. I usually play the flute . But I didn’t play the flute yesterday. I usually read a book . But I didn’t read a book yesterday. I usually go skating . But I didn’t go skating yesterday
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