
英语翻译 2024-09-12 10:33:05

原创 资深英语自由翻译  2024年09月12日 09:57 陕西


Careful Observation and Independent Thinking-Preface to The Great Woman


By Li Lianbi


Helen Snow passed away, but her image and her deep friendship with the Chinese people reside more profoundly in our memory.

这几个月来,我一直在想,海伦 30 年代旅居中国 10 年期间,为什么能够为中国人民的解放事业做出那么多有益的事情?她的著作为什么能经得起历史的考验,久读不衰?她为什么能成为中国人民忠贞不渝的朋友?

For the past several months, I have been pondering why Helen could do so many beneficial things to the liberation cause of the Chinese people during the 10 years when she stayed in China in the 1930s, why her works have withstood the test of history and remain a bestseller even today, and why she became a loyal friend of the Chinese people.

我想,原因之一是:她了解中国,设身处地,懂得中国人民的理想和愿望。海伦 1931 年初到上海,年仅 23 岁。她看到的中国,是一个灾难深重的国家。帝国主义列强的侵略、腐败的政府、连续不断的内战和自然灾害,使中国人民痛苦不堪。海伦通过旅行考察,通过广泛接触人民大众尤其是进步知识分子和爱国学生,通过研究中国现代文学,深入了解了中国人民的种种遭遇和苦难。无论是她支持、参与、报道“一二·九”学生运动,还是冒着生命的危险去延安采访,都是基于她对灾难深重的中国人民的忧患、理想和愿望的深入了解和深刻理解。

In my opinion, one reason is that she understood China and placed herself in others' position to perceive the Chinese ideals and wishes. When Helen arrived in Shanghai at the beginning of 1931, she was only 23. In her eyes, China was a country burdened with miseries and misfortunes. The Chinese people suffered severely from the aggression of imperialist powers, the corruption of the government, and continuous civil wars and natural disasters. Through travelling investigations, widespread exposure to the Chinese people especially enlightened intellectuals and patriotic students, as well as study of Chinese modern literature, Helen gained a deep understanding of their sufferings and miseries. Whether she supported, participated in and reported “The December 9th Students’ Movement”, or risked her life to interview in Yan'an, it was based on her profound understanding of the hardships, ideals and wishes of the disaster-ridden Chinese people.

新中国成立后,某些西方国家千方百计企图孤立中国,西方世界的舆论对中国作了许多歪曲的报道。海伦看在眼里,急在心里。她等待机会,要象 30 年代报道中国革命那样,要报道新中国的巨大变化和建设成就。

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some Western countries made every attempt to isolate China, and issued many distorted reports in the media. Helen saw this situation and worried very much. She was waiting for an opportunity to report the enormous changes and construction achievements of new China just as she reported the Chinese revolution in the 1930s.

海伦 1937 年在延安夜复一夜地采访过毛泽东,认为他是本世纪世界上最伟大的人物之一。从那时起,她就一直想访问毛泽东的故乡,研究这一巨人出现、成长的主、客观因素。海伦 1972 年一踏上新中国的土地,第一个要求就是“访问毛泽东的故乡”。

In 1937, Helen interviewed Mao Zedong in Yan'an night by night, thinking that he was one of the greatest figures in the world in that century. From that time on, she had been wishing to visit the hometown of Mao Zedong, and study the subjective and objective factors for the emergence and growth of this great man. When she stepped onto the land of new China in 1972, her first request was to “visit Mao Zedong’s hometown”.

在湖南,她踏着毛泽东的足迹,参观了毛泽东出生、成长、学习、劳动及早期从事革命活动的地方,采访了毛泽东的亲朋好友及当事人,掌握了大量鲜为人知的第一手资料。同时,在访问当地干部和群众的过程中,详细调查了解了解放后 23 年的巨大变化。她在这次访华后写作的《毛泽东的故乡》一书中,用火一样的心,讴歌新中国所取得的辉煌成就。

In Hunan, following the footsteps of Mao Zedong, she visited places where Mao Zedong was born, grew up, studied, worked and engaged in revolutionary activities at his early age, interviewed Mao Zedong’s relatives and friends and people concerned, and mastered many rarely-known first-hand materials. At the same time, she investigated in detail the enormous changes for the 23 years after the liberation of China through visiting local cadres and common people. In Mao Zedong’s Hometown written after her visit to China, she eulogized the brilliant achievements of new China with a fiery heart.


The reason why Helen drew a completely different conclusion in the Western world is that she knew the national conditions of China, and was able to proceed from the reality and see the essence of the problem. As an excellent journalist and writer, Helen not only reported events that had taken place and were about to take place, but also served as a doer and thinker promoting historical and social progress. She summarized up the “secret” of her career success as “careful observation and independent thinking”. When we commemorate Helen, we should learn and carry forward her spirit of seeking truths from facts, and never be divorced from reality and the masses.


























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