英国前首相鲍里斯·约翰逊再度倾心推出新作,其回忆录《释放》(Unleashed)将于 10 月 10 日由哈珀柯林斯出版社(HarperCollins)正式付梓发行。

By that weekend I was finding it exhaustingeven to walk. I couldn't read. I could hardly think. Music grated. All I wanted was for another hour to go by so that I could officially have another couple of paracetamolsand that the throbbing in the skull would at least temporarily abate... 周末的时候,我感觉走几步路都累得不行。我没法看书,几乎没法思考,音乐也听不进去。我就盼着再过上一个小时,这样我就能再吃上几片扑热息痛,起码能让脑袋里那种阵疼暂时减轻一些.....

After a while, Carrie came back in with the painkillers, and though I felt pathetically grateful, I also felt it was ridiculous. I should be caring for her, not the other way round. Not only did she also have Covid, but she was more than eight months pregnant with our first child.过了一小会儿,嘉莉拿着止痛药回来了。我心里一下子暖暖的,有点傻乎乎地感激,可又觉得怪怪的。本来应该是我照顾她的,现在倒反过来了。她不光染上了新冠病毒,还怀着我们的第一个宝宝,都八个多月了。
By Sunday, April 5, there were more than 1,000 daily fatalities across the country. I was still flat out, floating in and out of consciousness, waiting for my fix of paracetamol, when Carrie came in like a ministering angel. 截至 4 月 5 日星期日,全国每天死亡人数超过 1,000 人。嘉莉像天使一样走进来的时候,我仍然疲惫不堪,意识时断时续,等待扑热息痛的治疗。
'Come on,' she said. 'You need to get something to eat.' “来吧,” 她说,“你得吃点东西。”
I said that the kitchen really felt a long way away. So she brought up some apple and cheese. I looked at that cheese with such complete apathy that I knew – after a lifetime as a functioning cheese-oholic– that something was definitely awry.我感觉厨房离我远得不得了。然后她拿来了些苹果和奶酪。我望着那奶酪,丝毫不动心,我向来极爱奶酪,想必我这是哪里不对劲了。

Carrie rang Dr Price and explained things, and then passed the phone to me. He wanted me to come in right away, to St Thomas' Hospital. No, no, I said. There would surely be people who were far worse off than me – people who really needed the bed.嘉丽给普来斯博士打了电话,把情况一说,接着就把话筒递给了我。博士说让我赶快去圣托马斯医院。不去,不去医院,我说。肯定还有比我情况糟糕得多的人呢——那些真正特别需要床位的人。
That night in April 2020, the doctors and nurses of St Thomas' Hospital were preparing, if necessary, to intubate me – spike a hole in my trachea and stuff a tube down my windpipeto force-feed oxygen into my lungs. 在2020年4月那个夜晚,圣托马斯医院的医护人员已做好充分准备,如有必要,可以给我插管——在我的气管上扎一个洞,然后将一根管子塞进我的气管,将氧气强行输送到我的肺部。。
……Oh yes, they said, and made it sound like a routine procedure. What they didn't explain is that, at that stage in the pandemic, patients who were intubated had about a 50 per cent chance of survival. Then I was being wheeled on a gurney into ICU -- the intensive care unit.……哦,对,他们说,听着好像就是个常规流程。可他们没跟我讲的是,在疫情的那个时候,被插管的病人大概有一半能活下来。然后我被推上轮床送进 ICU -- 重症监护病房。